Michael has the most genuine smile and bright blue eyes that I've ever seen! 

And his personality matches the distinctiveness of those qualities!

He IS genuine and kind...he's thoughtful and puts you at ease...

It's not just that he's chivalrous and a gentleman...he's also really determined and assertive in his desire and striving to reach all the goals that he sets out for himself!

He's engaging and yet has such a gentle soul!

The Seniors I've met this year truly are some of the most inspiring young people I've ever had the privilege of meeting...I have no doubt I'll be hearing of the impacts they've made on others in the years to come...

Those with whom they come into contact, are very fortunate people indeed! 

Congratulations Michael on a fabulous Senior year!

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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