FAMILY SESSION: Laughter is the best medicine
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family sessions
It's not easy being the baby sister sometimes...
even if your older siblings are girls (as in my family)...but even perhaps more so when you've got two big brothers ahead of you???
maybe there is just something about being the youngest...
you become very observant to all that the older ones do (and don't do too)
Sometimes I think that makes the babies of the families such sensitive, thoughtful and insightful souls...
I know that is the case of my husband (the baby in his family)...
and it was quite evident in the heart of this little girlie as well...
She's learned how to hold her own with two strapping young men paving the way for her...
Their session was only a few short weeks away and yet it feels like a lifetime when I look at these images and remember that beautiful sunshine and the green on the trees...and in a matter of days, the temperature dropped and the color disappeared...
This little gal had a smile that was contagious and did her best to keep up with her brothers! They come by their wit and humor quite can see it displayed in adventurous Dad and also in lovable Mom!
I don't know about you, but I can't wait to celebrate Thanksgiving this coming week...
a time of family and togetherness...remembering the things that matter most...
and I'm fairly confident there will be some measure of tackling and rough housing in this family's home...with little sis refereeing it all!