Snapshoppers...this one's for you:)
I never got a chance to do a blog post about the most INCREDIBLE Snapshop class in Michigan last month...Thanksgiving hit and I still had numerous family photo shoots to edit the time I finished that, I was up to my elbows in Christmas lights and Advent books and I just never got back to it...
***side note: I DO plan on getting a post up here soon...with pictures even:) It just may wait until AFTER the holidays...if I am to keep my sanity (which some are questioning already...but I digress)
Anyway...tonight was my daughter's violin recital...You know, those lovely gymnasium environments with super high ceilings, "sweet" lighting and everyone crammed into a small space with dark backgrounds and parents craning their necks to make sure they get the best shot of their child... was one of THOSE evenings...
So, what's a "photographer" mother to do...I could whip out the external flash and blast all the students' as they're squinting to see their music whilst trying to get their fingers in the right place so that that audience doesn't cringe...
I will admit that I tried this...but the nice yellow tint that graced my pictures was less than stellar (not to mention the "looks" I received from my daughter:)...and so I decided to work with what I had:)
First off, I remembered my depth of field...I was sitting pretty far away, so I could actually lower my aperture to the lowest it would go on my lens and not worry too much about girl was only going to fill up a small area, so I was sure to get her in focus.
Next, I checked my meter and knew that I still needed more I bumped my shutterspeed down a bit...I didn't want her bow to be blurred as she moved it, but at the same time, I knew she wasn't fiddlin' as if performing at the Grand Ole Opry, so it wasn't like we were needing super speed! So, I actually bumped it to 1/80th of a second.
Last but not least, I still needed more light, so I went into my ISO that had started out at 400...and I tried it first at 640, but as I closed in with that black background and her dark hair, I had to bump it again to 800...
Here's the result:
Now, granted, I need to do a little photoshopping and cropping down, etc...and I might even check it in black and white...but I wanted you to see what it looks like without that flash shadow...the fact that you can use your camera and make it work for you, getting the "story" and the "feeling" behind the moment!
I wish you the happiest of holidays as you document and work as "photojournalist" for your family this Christmas!
Blessings to you all!
p.s. if anyone happens to get Photoshop Elements for Christmas this year, be sure to watch for a January class posting for a Click It workshop...and if you are new to this site, and would like to learn more about your camera, be sure to follow on facebook and/or here on this blog to learn about future Snapshop classes! Read more...