Friends keep asking, "How are YOU?"

We are almost halfway through October already...can you believe it?

This time of year is always a favorite for me because, although I love the summer sun and days off with my girls...I do so enjoy when sweaters and jeans come out again. 

This fall has been a tad quirky than from years I'm still waiting for the jeans and sweater bit...however, it's been just as busy, if not more...

Many have asked me, "how are you?" 

Well, if you catch me in most situations, I will smile and say, "I'm busy, but it's all good!"

If you catch me on a day like today, when I have seemingly caught a cold and have been downing orange juice and chicken noodle soup, while trying to get caught up on the list of edits that need to be delivered...I may say, "I'm a bit tired and I need some more coffee!"

It has been busy, but it's been rewarding and fun and I'm so, so thankful that I've not only been given the opportunity of this "job", but that we are relatively healthy as a family...that my girls are able to enjoy moments of independence and involvement in activities that challenge and excite them...that my husband has a job that affords him the ability to help out when things get a tad crazy...

Yes, he's has had a bit of travel lately...and the "single mom" stuff isn't necessarily my forte'. But, we've managed. 

I thought I'd give you a quick update as to what's been going on "behind the scenes" with me...outside of the 6am wake up and "if-I'm-not-shooting-or-taking-care-of-family-business- i'm-at- my-computer-editing-and-delivering-galleries"...activities that have been happening all around in my family of late.

My youngest daughter is still in soccer (can't it please be over soon!!!) which is so fun. At least 2 hours every Saturday are spent cheering her on the sidelines and I truly have enjoyed seeing her burn off some energy and stresses from the week.  Fourth grade has been a step up in challenges for her and I love to see her put her all into her activities. She's still into all the art and all the books...she's my little creative at heart. 

My middle girl is involved with the drama club in middle school and she's marvelous. I am anxiously awaiting opening night, the last weekend in October. She would say that her favorite part of each day is play practice. 
I am thankful that the County Fair is complete.  Although it was super fun, and was a lot of time and effort. She ended up placing 5th in the Beginner Novice A category of Dog Obedience.  To be quite honest, we were just thrilled that Pippa didn't bite anyone or bark her head off... #doggoals #lowexpectations Therefore, when her name was read off as 5th place winner, this momma had some tears falling! I think we were all in shock, but totally thankful shock to say the least.

Lastly, our eldest has been hard at work with Tennis.  We had her banquet recently where we were so excited to learn that she had earned the Most Improved Player award for this year.  She and her dad have been at those courts since the weather permitted in the Spring.  She is more determined and motivated than ever! It's fun to see her excel and compete.

That expression that is often thrown out there about how a "mom's heart forever walks around outside of her body" is absolutely true...I watch each of my girls and my heart see them growing physically, emotionally, intellectually...and to think that they were once so tiny and completely dependent upon's beautiful and bittersweet all at once. 

The latest things going on though have revolved around orthodontist appointments (eldest gets braces off next month...along with turning 16), in-car driving lessons so that she can get her license after that very important birthday AND, none other than Homecoming...

Homecoming is one that I thoroughly enjoyed, as I love these students...I love the friends that all my girls have chosen...I love that even though I may not be "cool", they still put up with me enough to want to hang out at our home and let me take a bazillion pictures of them at Homecoming!

If you caught my IG stories awhile back you would have seen my own personal Homecoming experience from 1991...ahhhh, the video footage of me falling off the back of the car in the middle of the parade, in my dress, in the middle of my hometown.. a story to remember...I'm thankful we didn't have a repeat of that!!!

We had an original location plan for pictures, but when we arrived, it appeared that every other homecoming group in America also had the same plan...and so, I rallied the troops to another crazy and perhaps more "urban" looking background for our pics...The setting was quite the antithesis of the glamour of the girls & guys, but I think the contrast was quite striking!

There were no "dates" in this group, and so I decided that we should just couple everyone up for pictures...which made for 25 couple shots...

Needless to say, this group had a blast...they all ended up at our home after the dance until the boys retired across the street and the girls stayed at our house.  They all met up again around breakfast time, just before everyone jumped into the vans to head to church in the morning.

The girls started off with their Birks, but eventually got into the fancy shoes...and the guys were total troopers, suffering through the many picture taking antics! 

And so...if you've made it to the end of the ridiculously long post, you have an idea of the CRAZY schedule that we've all been keeping this month.  

I've still got late nights attempting to finish up galleries and get those sneak peeks, blog posts and social media blurbs out there...I'm working hard, I promise...

hang in there with me for a couple more weeks...

and I hope in the meantime, that YOU TOO will be cherishing your MOMENTS...

yes, it's's exhausting...and there are days that I am not sure that I WANT to get out of bed...but, we do...and we remember that we will forget the tired and the weary...but we will remember the moments...the smiles...the time we spent with the people we love most... case you are prone to worry about's okay...I've got it covered...


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