FAMILY SESSION: Best buds and a princess

When you have more than 3 kids in a family...or probably more accurately, when you have children that are more spread out in ages in a family, there tend to be bonds that are formed...

That doesn't mean that there aren't fantastic relationships with all the kids, but as each child is added to a family, the dynamics changes...the roles change for each sibling...sometimes it's not even a verbal acknowledgement, but rather something that just subtly transitions...

Therefore, whether it be gender or age, or whatever it is, I think we are all attracted to belonging, to being understood, to sharing experiences...

There were 4 kids in my family growing up.  I'm the oldest, with my brother next (2.5 years my junior)...then my sisters 7 and 12 years age difference.  I have/had different relationships with each of my siblings...I probably mothered my sweet baby sister the most...I was leaving for college, as she was entering first grade and beginning her schooling sister Sarah passed away at age 13, and so I wasn't afforded the opportunity to have a lifetime with brother, though we fought like cats & dogs through childhood, was the one that closely related to the experiences as I was journeying through them...therefore, we share a different understanding that is unique...just like all relationships are unique. 

I was touched by the older brothers in this clan...their closeness, their subtle understanding of one was charming to watch. 

And yet, it was lovely to be with ALL of them at the same time...they are genuine and joyful...accepting and funny...compliant and adventurous, all at the same time...

I have been given such gifts in clients this season...what a blessing!

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