FAMILY SESSION: Purpose Driven
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family sessions
There isn't a rule book (persay) for parenting..or even marriage...
We've got textbooks to teach us how to adequately crank out perfect scores for Math problems, grammatically correct essays, tuning up a car, fixing a bicycle, and searching for information on the internet...
If we follow these directions precisely, we are guaranteed the exact outcome...
this is NOT the case for relationships...for parenting and marriage...
Infact, it's quite the there are no absolutes or guarantees...and it's never predictable...Siblings come from the same genetic make up of parents, but turn out polar opposites in the way of personality, likes, talents and even looks...
Marriage and Parenting takes a "special" type of "study" or must be developed daily and sometimes moment by moment, with out a specific set of takes hard work, selflessness, energy, forgiveness, time, sacrifice...
In order to attempt to grow a family that strives for integrity and character, you must be Purpose Driven...
there has to be the confidence that "I may not always do this right, but I have an end goal in mind...and we will strive, day by day, to achieve it"...
And so...with that confidence comes discipline, unconditional love, seeking to put one's self into other peoples shoes, and ultimately...commitment...
Whew...that's a LOT to consider when starting a life build a family...
When you consider ALL that...and then you meet the family like the one pictured is obvious that they have this mindset...
it's just right there...because they live it day in and day out...
nope, they aren't perfect, nor would they claim to be...
but, it's evident that these parents set in their hearts from the beginning the type of family they wanted to grow...and then they pursued it, with their whole hearts...
This post brings me so much joy, and the pictures are amazing! Thank you for sharing yourself and your talent with our family, we are eternally grateful!