FAMILY SESSION: it's been awhile

She said that they hadn't gotten family pictures in YEARS...

Now, this is difficult for me to comprehend because they are BEAUTIFUL...who wouldn't want these faces decorating the walls of their home???  

At the same time, I get it...

It's a tad easier (comparatively speaking) to do family pictures when the kids are younger...
You can wrestle and throw them up in the're not concerned about hair or makeup...and there are endless options for posing/combinations of natural shots...

However, 4 grown kids don't fit on laps any longer and the riding on shoulders is a thing of the past...

so, over time I understand why, along with activity schedules and life in general, it gets more difficult to carve the time to get family pictures...

What I enjoy most though, is that it's almost like that anomaly of family dinners...
Photo sessions allow for everyone to be in the same place at the same time for a certain duration.

It's a moment to look around, with nothing else on the schedule for this specified time and just hang out with one another...(and smile at the camera periodically)

These brothers were laughing and mom & daughter had some moments as well..
Dad got in on the action and it made for an altogether wonderful Sunday morning! 

Their gallery is nearly finished, but I knew they'd be excited to see just a few more teasers of their "story"

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