Callie has a smile that is contagious...

As I peered through my viewfinder on my camera, I had to hold my breath to keep from jiggling with excitement...

She just has THAT much positive, beautiful, HAPPY energy that exudes from her...

I couldn't help but smile broadly and hope I could hold the camera still enough to capture the essence of her beauty!

We are beginning to head into the Fall in temperatures and scenery changing...this greenery isn't going to be here much I'm soaking in the sunshine and the yellow highlights as much as I can...while still anticipating gorgeous fall foliage, sweatshirts and sweaters...

Congratulations Callie on a fantastic Senior Year...I'm soooo grateful to know you!  
BIG HUGS girlie!!! 

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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