He's used to being in front of the camera...

His momma is a lover of all things beautiful and capturing moments!!!  

And that's what found us spending some time together for some may not be the way most guys necessarily "want" to spend a couple hours of their day...but it sure does do a momma's heart good to watch her son transform into the man she prayed he'd be all those years ago...

the time is fleeting...and being able to hang onto just the small moments before independence is complete is a priceless gift...

Caleb has many talents, hobbies and interests...he laughed at my antics and tolerated my "weirdness"...he's a gentleman and makes his Mom proud! It was a pleasure spending time together! 

Congratulations on an amazing year...I am so honored to be able to meet these future leaders!

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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