FAMILY SESSION & Isabelle CO2020

I've known them since I was 18 years old...

we met when I was around the same age that Isabelle is right now...

sooo many years, so many memories....

and just like that...

they are part of MY STORY too...

Isn't it sweet and fascinating how complete strangers can, over time, become poignant characters in the story of your own life...

names that will be remembered...stories that will be passed down...intertwined for eternity...

that astounds me!!!

What started as college acquaintances, transitioned into church attending life groupers, moving into "babies" with a coined "Grace Girls" name...and now...

here we are...

the next generation starting up just where we did...

We share values, faith, and friendship...

All of them are individually wonderful...and I'm honored enough to call them friends!

Isabelle, their oldest, is about to embark on the journey to independence and she goes with confidence and grace...because she's been poured into by parents that are present, intentional and also know into Whose hands they place her...

Congratulations are lovely and I'm so proud of you!!  

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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