Little Man 2017

This is 6 years old...

Two front teeth missing, 
big brown eyes,
silly faces,
jumping over puddles,
sprinting without a care in the world,
"watch me do this",
exploring and curiosity...

This is what 6 years old looks like...

It's not what 12 or 16 or 21 looks like...

there are traces of those things in those later years, but this is the right now...

As a momma myself, I understand the quick passing of time...
there are seasons that I may have enjoyed more than others, but I wouldn't have wanted to skip any of them.

Each season builds on the other...slowly growing littles into the persons they were meant to become....

Scrolling through these images makes me realize what an incredible holiday season is ahead for their family...and the JOY this 6 year old brings to them!

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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