FAMILY SESSION: let's have some fun
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family sessions
When I was first married, and I moved to Ohio from Michigan, I was offered a position teaching 4th grade in the Gahanna school system. Although I had experience teaching, I was also newly married, in a new town, having left everything I ever knew behind...
Oh my heavens, did I make mistakes and sometimes feel like I was floundering...I often tried to cover it up by willing myself to be confident and keep putting one foot in front of the other...
It was my 4th grade team of teachers that rather held me together during those work days. I'm sure I drove them crazy, but they never once complained...they were always kind, always encouraging...I miss them...and it seems like forever ago...
When I asked the grades of these kiddos, low and behold one was in 4th grade...and at none other than my old school...AND she currently has one of my team teachers as her home room classroom!
What a lucky girl!
It reminded me of why I was so attracted to that particular school...during my multiple interviews... and why I hoped so badly that I would be asked to join...
it was because I had watched the children...
I watched them in the halls, in the classrooms, during lunchtime...
you get a sense of a school as a whole by watching the children...
and it's because of families like these...that encourage, inspire and train their kiddos...
What an absolutely wonderful time we all had together during their session...
The children were respectful and thoughtful and full of conversation...
they had marvelous ideas and had us all laughing as they attempted to "scale the walls"...
They are a JOY to their parents...
and I have no doubt that my fellow teacher not only adores this sweet gal, but is chomping at the bit until he gets to have the other 2 in his classroom one day as well!
Its a wonderful blog and nice fun with family. This is nice photography.