I remember the day she was born...

I remember dressing her up and posing her for pictures even back then...I was an early teenager and I loved playing mother to my baby sister...I would venture to say that it is what helped prepare me for mothering my own daughters. 

But, she's all grown up now and has children of her own...we only see each other a handful of times in a year...

I suppose that's the way of things...the growing up...the growing of families...and it's beautiful watch the generations unfold...the different stories and personalities and family traits passed on...

They came down (from that state up north :) for a short visit and a quick family photo shoot. The weather semi-cooperated for us...but, that's how it's been most of this Fall season, so she took it in stride. 

We managed to get the boys belly laughing and squeezing momma tight...and Aunt Colleen enjoyed a few moments of snuggles as well! 

Only a few more weeks and we'll see them again!

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