InHOME Lifestyle: Blessed Beyond Measure

Their home is filled with laughter and love...

Their newest arrival came swiftly and brought rays of sunshine and joy with appropriate that his nursery has drops of yellow and brightness throughout...

Big sister is honing her "mothering skills" already at a young age and Mommy relishes every moment with her three littles...

She is dedicated and patient, playful and so, so thankful for every moment.  She understands that this time will go by quickly and therefore, she takes her "job" seriously...even though she faces sleepless nights and thankless duties...though she may be weary & exhausted from time to time...she is relentless...she "digs deep" and loves harder...

Even at their home, I could tell that she focuses in on the little details...the seemingly mundane moments are ones that she knows will matter in the long run...

It was such a privilege to come to their home and capture them in their BEing with one another...

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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