Well, I must admit that I get a little giddy anytime I get to meet up with Cedarville grads...

it's my alma could I not?

granted, I'm a lot of years  just a few years (ha ha) removed from this delightful family, it's refreshing to see them committed and loving on each other...beginning their own legacy....

He already comes from a long legacy, with family ties that run deep and wide...his great grandfather is one of my husband's favorite people in the world...and to see that foundation being passed on through each generation is exciting and beautiful.

This little guy is one happy little boy..and his smile lights up everyone around him...

He is curious and inquisitive...with eyes that sparkle...

He is his parents' joy!  

I think you'll enjoy all his little details...even down to that tiny white tooth popping through in his silly grin!!! 

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