The Cursed Child...a "somewhat" review
A few of the girls in my household are a tad addicted to Harry Potter paraphernalia.
I started reading the books around the time the 4th came out...I was teaching 4th grade at the time and a number of my students were reading them....and so I started with number 1 and got through 4 books in about 1-2 months. I was hooked.
The 7th book and "proposed" final book was released in 2007, just after my youngest daughter was born. I gulped down that book and read it a couple of times during those late night feedings and some sleepless nights...
Therefore, when they announced yet another that continued the HP saga...some 19 years later...I was chomping at the bit to get my hands on it.
In the meantime, all of my older girls have read all the books and my youngest is currently in the middle of the series.
We knew the Cursed Child was coming out at the end of July and my brother & his family generously pre-ordered it's arrival to our doorstep for my middle girl's birthday surprise. She could be seen watching out the window all day for the delivery man!
And then it finally arrived...
She ate it up within a 24 hour time span and the look of pure joy and satisfaction was evident on her face.
It was then my turn to see if it held up to the memory I had of the beloved stories... is our "review" or thoughts, if you will, on our reading of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: I will attempt to not reveal any spoilers, and I'd love to hear YOUR thoughts on the matter. It does not negate the fact that I have a TON of questions concerning the plot & "villian" in the story, but again, in an attempt to avoid giving spoilers, I will refrain, but would love any discussion in the comments of the post or via email :)
Let us begin:
Instead of flowery and loquacious language written to paint the picture in your mind as your eyes sweep the page, a short snippet is written atop each chapter to set the state...literally...setting the actual stage of the play for which this playwright/script was written.
It takes some time to get used to if you are more familiar with a rather lengthened attempt at creating pictures for the imagination. However, in some ways it made this book easier to read even in a physical sense because your eyes do not have to follow lengthy extent of words but rather just follow the dialogue.
The entire book is dialogue.
We find the original characters 19 years later...infact it picks up exactly where the epilogue of book 7 left off.
It's interesting though because you now get a better insight into Harry's children. The movie and book 7 portrayed Harry as a rather perfect father...sensitive, understanding, patient in what you'd imagine to be in all circumstances.
What you discover is that he fails just like we all do as parents.
We also see the relational developments which, at least in my mind, confirm that spousal choices were correctly made by Ms. Rowling. I struggled with the Harry and Hermione choice in the original books and therefore, Ron drove me batty...but, with these new grown up versions. I more clearly see the wisdom in the marital choices.
I will admit that it follows a sort of "Back to the Future" theme...for those of us who remember Michael J. Fox as Marty McFly wanting to make things right in the past so that his future and actual present doesn't seem so bleak.
I think my favorite parts were reading about the alternate realities and what "could have been"...and there is a part of me, that emotional side, that loved it when those that had died in actual reality were now able to send a message, if you will, to the future of which they won't technically see, IF all turns out according to plan.
Some characters were given the chance to "turn around" if you change the course of their behavior from what was known of them in the original series. And I truly loved the alternate realities that were showcased because you saw the outcome of different choices and how those choices can actually change not only "events" but even the "hearts" of people...Ms. Rowling once again determines to delve deeper in her writing than just creating a "story".
All in all, tales about Harry, Hermione and Ron will always be my favorite but, this was a well written, satisfying look into the "rest of the story"!