FULL FAMILY SESSION: it's together time

I met a family recently...

well, more like a couple of families that all sort of melded into one...

even immediate families are diverse in personalities, temperaments, likes, dislikes, talents, physicality and intellect...

to add even more people to that gathering, is heaping on the mixture...

If we are honest with ourselves, relationships take work...

at least relationships worth having...

in "friendships" we choose to invest, to work towards, to grapple through...

in "families" there isn't a choice, but rather, you just become...

but, therein lies the choice...

families aren't necessarily the ones you'd "choose" with whom to be best friends, to go out with for a party...however, they are the ones that never leave...

divorce, disagreement, and even death can't separate family...because it's in the blood line...it's in the family tree...those names linked together through the generations...

and so, there comes the choice...what will that relationship look like? 

Full Family Sessions take some organization and some thoughtful consideration...there are a lot of personalities in the mix that are begging to be captured...to see the dynamics and the ins and outs of the bonds that are ever-forming...

Each one of these family members contributes to the whole in such a unique and special way...I saw gentleness, laughter, shyness & gregarious smiles...I saw humor and humility...I saw generosity and silliness...

It's amazing to me, each time...

and it's a privilege and honor as well...

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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