Fall Schedule Explanation :)
Hi friends!!!
I know many of you are waiting on my Fall Schedule.
I am so thankful and appreciative of your understanding and patience. As a mom, I do not want to miss my own daughter's soccer games and activities and thus, I do my best to work around those schedules. However, the rec soccer league in the area has yet to release the fall schedule. Therefore, I do not have a definite for Saturday time slots to post.
Instead of attempting to send out multiple emails and causing confusion, I'm choosing to wait until I get all my information so that I can offer the most flexibility and options to accommodate as many people as possible.
I have recently posted on Facebook a few options that have come to my attention for those that are able...locations have not been confirmed, but I do have a few time slots available during the week as September allows. (sunset during September is still before 7:30, therefore, family sessions and senior sessions can be squeeze in between the hours of 6-8pm during weekdays for this month only) Scheduling definitely gets more tricky as we head into October, with sunset starting closer to 6:30pm