FAMILY SESSION: Grace in the Waiting

We were never created for the purpose of pain, hurt and disappointment...

those are consequences of a choice that brought it to be...inadvertent consequences because bad is just in this world...

It could turn into long philosophical and spiritual discussions, but when it's all said and done, what matters most is what you do with the days and the moments you are given. In the quiet, when noone the heart of a person...and then how that translates into our interactions with others on a daily basis...

When I first met Donna, I believe she was journeying through or had just finished a round of treatment for cancer...this was many years ago...

since then she has traveled many roads of which I'm sure she wasn't thrilled about walking...noone would want to take those paths...and multiple times at that...

and even then, our conversation centered around a book she had read entitled Big Girls don't Whine.

If anyone has a "right" to whine, it's Donna...

When our plans do not go according to what we envisioned...when we've taken all the right steps and checked off all the boxes...our minds tell us that we deserve the outcome because we've paid our dues...

She has a different perspective...and this is what inspires, humbles and amazes me. 

This life...

This one life that we have been given, has not dealt her very nice cards (so to speak) when it comes to health...when it comes to visions of the future...plans and trips to take...people to see...

But, the midst of sometimes excruciating the midst of disappointment and sadness...this incredible woman grabs hold of the grace given to her and turns around and shares it with everyone she meets...

She does not whine...

I don't believe this is fake, that it is something she does to appear "sweet" or "spiritual"...

She is

The hurt is raw, but she doesn't let it control her, or control her perspective...

She has refused to allow her eyes to settle on what isn't...
It doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt, that it isn't sad...

I try to imagine myself in those shoes...and I come back to being angry, disappointed, frustrated, anguished...

I do not doubt that those feelings have passed through her heart...

what humbles me is the way that she feels deeply and then chooses what is better...

I'm so thankful that they let me come out to their home for just a quick visit and a time for pictures...
All her kids were home (and as a side note, her daughter attends my alma mater...YAY)

I asked them both if I could post some of the "fun" pictures from our time...their immediate response was PLEASE SHARE AWAY!!!

I know you'll be able to see the love they have for each other in these images...
the honor her children have for she and Larry have raised these young men & woman and guided them to hold dear to what is truly important...

and in that, they find the joy and laughter and goofiness and FUN in the moments they are together! 

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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