Keeping it Real
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family sessions
I've been thinking a lot lately...
this can be dangerous...
I'm one of those walk around the barn 10 times before I get to the door and then I might check a window or two just to be sure...and I might get distracted and feed the chickens or chase a goat or two...
I like to cover all the bases...and just when I think I've come to a conclusion, I get a new piece of information and I'm looping the structure again...
If I didn't like talking so doggone much, I think I would have loved to study psychology and get into counseling...however, my tongue is a tad flappy ... and listening is a much better virtue!
I've been thinking a lot about this crazy concept of "being real"...
another word for it might be "vulnerability"...
It's a hard commodity to come by these days...
everyone is so busy, pursuing "things", trying to control the outcomes, hanging onto that which makes us proud...
For those of us that have perhaps experienced things that are hard and unexplainable...we head in one of two is to "guard" what is left of perceived certainty OR accept that there isn't a guarantee & live out loud!!!
"vulnerability sounds like truth and looks like courage" ~brene brown
It's being authentic and letting go of the control...
it's accepting who God made you to be WITH all the yuck (not inspite of it)
it's shedding the costume that you want others to pereceive as your reality
it's saying, 'this is who I am, you can take it or leave it' and it's okay if you disagree
it's being mindful that NOONE has "arrived" but still striving to become all that you were purposed for, and not being intimidated by the mistakes you WILL make along the way...
I know, I know...I'm waxing all philosophical...
the thing is, I get the opportunity to meet couples and families that are working to live this way...
it's not an easy task...
it takes great courage and the willingness to accept that you will get beat down sometimes...
and when that happens, you know, undoubtedly that you have each other's backs...
Sometimes we are just wired to keenly understand and even feel the depths to which life takes us...and sometimes we have to personally experience those depths in order to "get it"...
However you get's what you do with's how you choose to "connect" that will determine the level of your relationships, Joy and gratitude!
If you haven't figured it out yet, I see these traits in this this momma specifically...
she loves fiercely, she doesn't let "appearances" or perfectionism control her...
Oh she strives to give it her all...but, she confidently accepts mistakes as badge of being real and gets on living...and loving...
Thank you for coming back year after are much loved!