Each of my girls is incredibly unique...and in that I mean, they can be different as night and day...

Not everyone sees that in them...

It's the curse of the 2nd child who is always the "younger sibling" to the oldest who has "paved the way"...

My brother complains about this to me all the time...
"They expected me to be just like you!.." he would say, referring to our teachers.

Fortunately, at our current schools, each student has the opportunity to BE just who they are...

My older daughters had some of the same teachers...
Jen, being one of them...

She noticed the differences straight away...
Perhaps it's because she is insightful and mindful of her class of students...
Perhaps because in her structure & order of the day, she is able to see where each student fits in the big puzzle of community...

Because of her time & thoughtfulness, she was able to discern my 2nd daughter's differences and challenge her in a way that fit, rather than pushing her to match up to her sister's mold. 

My daughters walk out my door in the early morning and I miss out on 6-7 hours with them every day...I entrust their perceptions, their ideas, their learning into the hands of people like Jen...

will they be patient?
will they show love, even when it's undeserved?
will they offer grace?
will they motivate and challenge?

They have so many "Unique" little people in their classroom...and I know that although I'd love to have someone walk along side them every step of the way...I'm confident that it isn't the best way for them to become independent...

At the same time...that guide, that mentor, that person in authority is their role model for that year...

Jen is one of the many teachers to which I have entrusted my daughters...

and I'm oh so grateful!

Because she's having to do the same thing with her own kiddos too...She's two in one...a teacher, a mom...and I know she understands...

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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