She reminds me a bit of Sandra Bullock ...I know that dates me a bit...

but it's more than the brown hair and dark eyes...the big smile and genuine laugh...

I think it's her carefree demeanor and ability to see beauty in everything...

Alyssa has a LOVE of LIFE that is contagious...

she's not only happy in her own skin, but she sincerely enjoys the company of others because she seems in them, the GOOD and the BEAUTY that they don't even seem themselves at times...

Perhaps that's why she has aspirations of working in the fashion/design industry in the future...

she can't help but spread her JOY to others...

she has a GIFT and I, for one, am so thankful for her willingness to share and spread that goodness to those with whom she meets...

Congratulations are an absolute JOY to be around!!!  Happy Senior Year Alyssa! 

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