FAMILY SESSION: these are my people

I don't know what I did to deserve the amazing people with whom I come in contact...

Ones that shower you with encouragement and hugs and smiles and let you know that YOU ARE VALUED just because you are YOU!

Life is precious and short...if we really think about it...

this world has been revolving for years and years and years...and though we may only take up a couple handfuls of decades in the timeline, 

what we do and what we leave behind MATTERS!

we leave imprints and legacies within the relationships that we cultivate...

This family blesses me each and everytime we see each their words, their actions...


they foster LOVE and AFFECTION and HAPPINESS...

they leave me feeling hopeful and happy and even a little giddy, because their JOY just spills out around them!!! 

I'm so, so thankful I had the opportunity to see them again this Fall!! 

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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