My youngest daughter saw some of Emily's pictures on my computer screen as I was processing through her gallery and immediately said, "Momma, I know her!!  I know her!!!"

And then she proceeded to tell me ALL.THE.THINGS. about the Ahhhhmazing Emily!!!  

You see, Emily has made QUITE the impression on her young students with whom she interacts during her Teacher's Academy program.  

And after spending time with her for just a short time, I can see why her young charges are enamored with her...

She's engaging and kind...she's a good listener and she's's easy to relax around her and feel comfortable in your own skin, because she's confident in hers...

She's quite simply, the epitome of the "girl next door"...the kind of person that everyone wants as their friend, that every mother would love for a daughter...

Emily, it was a JOY spending time with you and your mom for a morning are beautiful inside and out!!  Congratulations on a marvelous Senior year!!! 

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