Seasons of life amaze me...

Perhaps that's not the most descriptive or even completely accurate word to convey my feeling...

I don't really think that we recognize the seasons as we are in them...

life sort of just goes...

we get up, 
we do the things, 
we drive to the places, 
we parent the kids, 
we make the meals, 
we text the texts...

The point is, life doesn't stop...

we don't necessarily, automatically get a "breather" in between it all...

 I think that's how we find ourselves one morning without diapers and bottles and wonder "how am I making lunches for little ones that get on a bus to go to school now?"

It's not like it surprises us per's just that we're in the midst of it and we are doing 
that when out of the blue we get this sweet little reminder...a lightbulb recognition, if you will, that life has morphed into a different normal than it was just a few short months or years prior...

I think this is why I love family photo sessions...

it actually forces us to TAKE the breather...

it forces us to take time out and take stock of where we are in the NOW...


I met this family back when their son was first born...I remember their home, their heirlooms, their excitement as first time parents...

and we've met a number of times in between, over the years...through the changes...

and life gets hectic...
there's a LOT to do...

but, they value the "right now"...

yes, sometimes it's a "put your head down and plow through" type of week...but, that's why you take the moments...

so that THIS NOW can be documented, 

because life doesn't stop or slow down...

and these moments are WORTH remembering! 


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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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