FAMILY SESSION: Bribe 'em with Cinnamon Rolls
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family sessions
Have you ever left a meeting feeling better than when you first arrived?
And, you feel that way because the people you met with were outward focused...they were more concerned about relationship than they were about perfection or making an impression?
The funny thing is, the more we are self-LESS, the MORE others are impressed with us...
I know that for me, this family is outstanding...
they SHOWERED me with encouragement...both in their demeanor and interactions and AGAIN with a barrage of notes and thankyous and emails of gratefulness...their focus wasn't on self, but on togetherness and even me :)
Now, if you know me at all, you know that my love language is WORDS...talking words, writing words, reading words...words, words, words...
not EMPTY words, but meaningful ones...questions and laughter, silly stories and songs...
This family is the "real deal"...
and YES, we MAY have bribed the little nuggets with Cinnamon rolls...but, really, who DOESN'T want cinnamon rolls anyway?
we giggled through our entire session...and we couldn't have asked for a better time!
I'm so, so incredibly blessed to meet with families that make such an impact on not only their own little family, but on me as well!!