FULL FAMILY SESSION: Ballerinas and Laughter
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family sessions
The Ballerina Granddaughter sort of took my Instagram by storm last week. It's not everyday you see someone walking around in pointe shoes on a college campus!
She, along with her extended family, got together for a full family session recently. I have seen her twin cousins every year since they were itty-bitty and so I was quite excited to see from whence these excited personalities came...
Now, to be fair, the twins' mom and dad have always been over the top generous, good-humored, interested, dedicated parents and so it's not hard to see why their kiddos are so fun to be around...
What is so, so refreshing is to see that it doesn't stop there...
It all started with Grandma & Grandpa and I was giggling throughout our entire time together...the expressions and laughter that emanated left us all feeling happy...not to mention the sisters...that "original 4"...oh the girls in that family must have been a hoot to raise...

And raise them well, they did...
each married and chose wonderful husbands...and together they became parents and passed down those same traits...
There is a genuineness about them all...a "happy" that is evident...
It's a blessing really...and they don't take that for granted!