I have always marveled at how complex people are...

I know that some would argue that point...some would say that we all eat, breathe, sleep, and do our things day in and day's just a matter of who wins the race...

perhaps we pride ourselves on our accomplishments and all that we have done...and it seems as though we are entitled to the best and the brightest...and good things come to those who ______

I'm not trying to belittle the experiences and the lives of others...


I will admit that I stare in awe of those that have faced down giants, dealt with adversity, walked through tragedy...
and then continue to find joy, be vulnerable and share LIFE with others...

Hayden's family just moved in across the street from us.

I've known them from church, I've been in the hospital room with their family when they've said goodbye to their youngest child/sister...

they've had their fair share of hurts...

and I know that we all deal with circumstances in different ways in our lives...we celebrate differently, we grieve differently, we measure success differently...

however, it's not hard to recognize someone who strives to live life with integrity...

it's not someone who is concerned with pleasing everyone else...
it's not someone who is out for #1 either...


it IS someone who sees another person as someone to be valued,
who puts one foot in front of the other just doing the next right thing that they can do,
who finds the "joy" in unexpected places and does his best to leave someone better off than when they found them...

Hayden has listened to my endless chatter without complaint...
I've watched him make others laugh and his mom smile because her heart is swelling with love...
I've listened to his brothers praise him (and tease him)

He's touched many people's lives just by being who he is created to be...

if we could all do that...
or at least be fortunate enough to have them as neighbors! :) 

Unknown  – (25.10.16)  

One very special young man from a wonderful family with the best photographer

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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