Her name is a perfect fit...

The noun means elegance or refinement..
The verb means to do honor or credit to...

both of which describe her...

She is a gentle spirit...which is evidenced in the manner in which she speaks and interacts with others...she is attentive and thoughtful...she is eager to please, yet true to herself...

it's funny sometimes, how these little intricacies float to the surface during photography sessions...

It may start out with just smiling at the camera and showing a "good" side...but eventually, slowly, the essence of a person starts to come out...

the true smiles, the eyes that tell stories, the "happy"...

You all know I'm extroverted by nature...which often means that I need that opposite side to balance me out...

Grace brought the balance and thoughtfulness to our time together...
She has a wisdom beyond her years and a genuine love for whom she surrounds herself...

You know that I was giddy with excitement watching the sunlight catch her hair...
and she brought that "grace"fulness to my "power punches" in the air...

I think you'll agree with my assessment after viewing her images...

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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