I told her that I thought she might have been born in the wrong era! 

By golly, she works in a RECORD shop...

as in, real RECORDS...

not CDs, cassette tapes, or itunes/apple store...

like, the plastic discs that go round and round and emit sound with the settling of the needle...

She's a "weekend vibes" kind of gal...

and I loved every minute with her...

I should have known I was in for a treat when she not only requested pictures in the record store, but she also wanted to take me to a waterfall...which required some climbing and jumping through water...
I'm always up for adventure, but it's not just that for her...
these locations were personal to her...they were places where she has been able to connect and soak in deeply the far corners of WHO she is...they are her safe places...where she feels "at home"...

We even ended AT her HOME with another request, to be photographed with her cat...

These are the types of Senior Sessions that I strive's a capturing of a PERSON and not just a picture taking time...It's taken nearly 18 years to get to the edge of journey and ready to step out on their own...The culmination of these years have developed and molded them into the adult they are setting out to be...To be able to encapsulate those traits, and character qualities...

it's fulfilling and worthwhile...

and if I might add...

incredibly FUN!



I'm not really sure if I remember how I came across her name?

Perhaps I had seen her work in the faces of my friends...or maybe it had to do with that whole "7 degrees from Kevin Bacon thing" 

I don't know...

but, the fact of the matter is that I knew of her...and then I did what any sane & normal person would do with access to social media and hand held devices...

I stalked her...

and Oh I wasn't disappointed...

She posts about her kids and her adventures...
She's incredibly witty and hilariously funny...
Her posts read like a memoir..and you feel like you're just 'coming home' as you step over the welcome mat into the life of Cathy Blackstone...

It's her talent for photography that also reeled me in...
She has that same passion for people and moments and "carpe diem" that is evident in her photojournalistic style...You can check it out on her Facebook Page HERE

She pours herself not only into her clients, but I got a sneak peek into her home life at our recent family session of which I was humbled to photograph...

and that, my friends, is where she ultimately shines...

She & her husband have done this amazing job of raising FOUR pretty chill kids...

I'm sure they are like any other family with ups and downs...but what struck me the most...maybe a "word", if you will, that stood out to me as I watched them all together...


The kind that says, "I've always got your back"
And...with it, I think there is a sense of pride in the BELONGING...

each one has a strong sense of belonging and knowing that they are held closely in the hearts of each family member...

I"m getting all sappy and sentimental...

They are the All-American family...the fun-loving, go with the flow, everyone's included, take a risk, be yourself, lend a hand, go for the gold, group hug type of family...

and I'm lucky enough to know them!!! 


FAMILY SESSION: Like Noone is Watching...

I mentioned this earlier this week...

my philosophy on family session photography...

There is definitely an aspect of light posing and everyone facing the camera that yearns to be seen...
We want those shots for Christmas cards and grandparents' walls...

Yet, I know that the pictures I most often find myself looking at over and over again, are the ones where my kids are fully immersed in their own "thing"...I imagine what they must be thinking about as they are seemingly absorbed with one thing or another...I focus in on their eyes and their expression...

it's not always a smile..and their eyes may even be closed in full concentration...

I hope those are the types of clients that I attract...

the ones that aren't necessarily looking for the studio smiles and the "where do I put my hands" questions...

but rather, the ones that come ready to play and tickle...
ready to take a walk and talk and enjoy...
to make a event...
to shut off the cell phones, not worry about traffic, forget about bills, leave work at work...

to come ready to focus on their family in just the few moments of a time out of the busy day...

This family comes with this perspective every time...

Oh, it means I have to snap fast and I might run around a little bit...

but, I wouldn't even consider that a "price" to pay for the opportunity I have to be a fly on the get a snippet into the true relationships that are bonding within this family...

They are every bit as cheerful and blithe as they appear...
their smiles are genuine and void of stress in these moments...

 I find the corners of my mouth lifting of their own volition, and the deep, bubbling of "happy" starts to warm through me as I watch them together...


FAMILY SESSION: I might have cried a little

I may have cried the other day...

If you've followed me long enough here on the blog, or on Instagram, or Facebook...or good grief, if you've even ever had personal contact with KNOW that I'm a lover of WORDS...

It's funny how that happens since I also love PICTURES...

There is that saying that "A picture is worth a thousand words"...

Well, I just like to SAY those thousand words ALONG WITH the picture...

I'm an extroverted people person by nature...
but my love language happens to be WORDS...

and so...

I may have cried the other day when I received the following message:

Dearest Colleen,
I was able to get all the photos downloaded. Let me say that we are thoroughly pleased with the outcome of our photo shoot! We have used photographers in the past and spent 1-2 hours! Needless to say, I was skeptical that you did not get all the photos that I imagined you would in such a short amount of time; however, I was grossly mistaken! You captured our children superbly (and this means even more when you see their school photos ha ha ha)! "Thank you" is not even the right phrase to describe our gratitude to you and your work. When we showed our children the photos yesterday, which, oddly enough, was the same day they received their school photos, they started talking about you. THEY EVEN REMEMBERED YOUR NAME!!!! I hope you know that as long as we live in the Central Ohio area, your services will be sought out and I look forward to working with you in the future!

I don't just do this "job" for something to do...
There is something very personal about it...

not just the "art form" (although it does affect, as it is an extension of my creative being)
however, it is also a form of connection... investing into the lives of others away portions of my heart, my time, my thoughts

I don't take pictures to "please" others, but to encourage, to help them see the beauty that they already help record specific seasons of life because I understand how fleeting they are...

I had never met this family before...
but their words melted into me...and coursed through my heart and mind...

It's amazing to me when you give just a little, how you receive tenfold in return...

The clouds were just about to roll in...
We heard the thunder in the background and the sky was midnight blue on one side, while puffy clouds hung on the other side...
We knew we only had minutes to capture the essence of their littles and their family...and in this crazy weather Ohio, we knew we had to take advantage of the day given to us rather than try to reschedule...

We were dashing here and there...
exploring along the way...

and in our scurrying, we were still able to take moments to giggle and BE...
to laugh and tickle...
to enjoy an uninterrupted juncture of time with just the 4 of them...

They are every bit as happy and REAL as they appear...



Look,  I know that noone can claim to have "arrived" when it comes to parenting...

We all have our unique challenges and, if we're all honest, some form of dysfunction...

However, I must tell you...that if there is a set of parents...a "team", if you will, that comes close to declaring this title of "arrival" might just be THIS FAMILY!!!

They have quite the crew and the creative names to which each kiddo owns as a title adds even more to my belief that this family has tapped into something that is extraordinary...

Picture with me, all 8 of them climbing out of their vehicle...descending upon unknown territory...meeting a "stranger" (yours truly) who proceeds to put a big black object in front of their faces and starts telling ridiculous jokes or singing silly songs...

everyone took it in stride...down to the littlest guy with his silly grin...

The eldest daughter takes her role seriously, and yet has a carefree nature about her...which makes her adored by her siblings...
The next in line has spunk and makes you want to smile just being near her...

It just keeps going down the stair steps of ages...

throw in a couple of ALL BOY boys, who are learning how to be gentlemen from their daddy...

I  just can't say enough...

You'd think with all that personality and energy happening at once that our session would be exhausting or trying to say the least...

but, it was the complete opposite...

It was a adventure of fun...

I think you'll see it in the images of their family...


FAMILY SESSION: He's growing up fast

Family pictures have always been a "thing"...

Even back in the "olden days" when you basically had to sit and hold your breath so that the image could be recorded onto the film...

We've come a long way however...

It used to be studio pics when I was a kid...and we all still desire that quality, but with the ease of iphones and improved technology, there are lots of things that we can do on our own without having to get ourselves to a studio...

This coupling quality with documentation is how I happened upon Family Photography myself...and in turn, how I started to form my philosophy...

I do still enjoy getting those lightly posed pictures where faces are tilted just the right way, and smiles are big...

However, I am always striving for something a little out of the ordinary...I don't want it to always appear as if I (as the photographer) am the third wheel to a party...

I actually want it to look as though I'm not there at all...or if I am, it's a surprise and I've caught a natural expression...

Most people can "put on a show" and "appear" smiley and happy for a camera...but, is that the true essence of a person?

This family has come to me for the past few years...and my strategy has been..."let him be himself"...I interact with him, but I don't stifle his curiosity or stop his action...This is the kiddo for whom I've waded into creek water...for whom I crawl through brushes and trees...because I want the REAL him and not just a smile for a camera...

I love his casual conversation and he knows that I'm not going to interrupt his "fun"...and in turn, I get to laugh and watch him explore...and capture his "essence" for his momma & daddy for years to come!

They are team...the 3 of them...Mom and Dad have instilled in him a confidence and a determination for adventure...and at the same time, have come alongside him to guide and redirect his growing mind when necessary...all the while, empowering him to reach his full potential!

I love meeting with them each year...and I look forward to all that he will become!


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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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