Worth the Wait...
It's amazing to me how fast children grow...I know, I know....DUH Colleen...
But really, when I look back on past pictures of my girls, I am in awe of little quirks and habits that they've already outgrown...so fast that time flies.
I met this sweet family at my church...they are a hard family to miss...Dad is 6' 5'' I believe and Mom is model height...and their kiddos...oh my, don't even get me started! BEAUTIFUL!
"Mom" and I kept working our schedules...the weather was not wanting to cooperate with us and bless her heart...she hung in there...
But here is why I was so touched...she was keeping one of her twin (yes I said twin) girls from cutting her hair before the pictures were taken...why you ask? Because, like all moms, we cherish every stage in the lives of our little ones...the chubby face, the baby curls...to the goofy smile and the sucking of the thumb...her little girl was getting to the age where she wanted a different "style"...I'm sure THAT in and of itself was a "moment"...(where did my baby girl go?)
Therefore, we did everything in our power and prayed that God would grant us just one opportunity...(and that sweet little blondie would hang in there with us...I'm sure some bribe of ice cream or maybe even ear piercing were promised at some point:)
Bam, the sky was bright, the grass was green and we grabbed the chance with everything we had!
Hope you enjoy:)