FAMILY SESSION: A Spoonful of Sugar...

"A Spoonful of Sugar makes the medicine go down..."

We all have "medicine"...

in the world of parenting, it's called discipline, rules, consequences...

And it's hard...

It's challenging for parents, and it's difficult for children...

No one REALLY likes boundaries...but they are there for our benefit...for the long haul...

This Mom and Dad understand this...acutely!

They recognize that often the "tough love" is what produces the long term respect...which in turn reaps a harvest of responsibility, honor, strength of character, obedience, and integrity...

However, they also recognize that "extremes" aren't helpful either...

Full on rules and regulations without reason and compassion will create bitterness...
No guidelines and "anything goes" will produce self-centeredness and deceit...

But...they have found the sweet spot...their little "spoonful of sugar" that helps that medicine go down...

They are consistent and create expectation for their little men...and yet surround it with sympathy and compassion along the way...

Why do I say all this???

Because spending time with them is a pleasure...

they don't fear events (such as a photo session)...even when the kids haven't had time to eat, storm clouds are on the horizon, noone had an exceptional good night's rest AND they're dealing with a teething one year old...

You'd "think" that would be a recipe for disaster...

It's not that they've manufactured perfection by any means...

they just practice at home what they expect in the everyday...

It's what Jenna does in the classroom...and they've discovered how to replicate that in their home...

It's my pleasure to serve them once the many seasons of life that they encounter!  

I'm blessed beyond measure with ALL the families that I have opportunity to meet...

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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