Gonna make you smile
I don't think there is anyway that you can get through these pictures without smiling...
I don't think you can...
These boys...
This family...
What do I say?
This was the second time I had had a session with them and I was very much looking forward to it...and I wasn't disappointed!
These boys...oh my goodness...such sweet old souls...their temperaments were like angels...I'm not kidding...Now, I know I don't live with them day in and day out...and I'm sure there have to be days where Mom gets little weary of being the only female in the all boy club, but I marveled at the level of respect these little men had for their mom & dad...
Not once was a voice raised...when they were asked to do something, big brother obediently went into action and little bro followed right along...they are best buds! I could kick myself for the mean ways I treated my little brother when we were little...this little bro worships the ground his brother walks on...and big brother doesn't take advantage of it either...he is gentle and kind and helps him keep up.
I'm telling you...I just meet the most amazing people...so inspiring and I'm very grateful!