I don't know a lot about the ROTC...

I just know that I was taught and it is ingrained in my being, that a person in uniform is to be honored...

they are learning discipline, self-sacrifice, and, if called upon, will be taking MY place in the line of duty...

For me, that flag stands not only for freedom, for the rights I have as an individual...but, it stands for the men and women that took my that I did not have to leave the comfort of my own home to obey the orders of another...

I know that Jacob takes his classes seriously and chose this for himself...

I admire his determination and his confidence.

I love the honor he showed his parents by agreeing to a senior session and then just knocking it out of the ball bark with his ideas and input and his classic style!

I hope that I did his uniform justice...
It's just the beginning for him, but he's already gained a top rank in my book! 

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