I think I've mentioned before that my oldest started High School this year...

I only have 4 short years left before she embarks on her next journey...very much independent from Mom & Dad watching over her in close proximity...

She'll soon be making decisions completely on her own, with noone asking "when will you be home?" "Where will you be?" "Who will you be with?"...

My heart clenches just a little in my chest when I think of what is to come...

And yet, from the moment our children are born, it is our job to teach them to be independent...
It doesn't mean that we teach them to cast off our love, or encouragement...or to not need our support...but rather, to build into them the confidence that, they have what it takes to be decisive, discerning, and capable of handling the unexpected things that life ultimately throws at us. 

However, as my daughters grow, I find myself more drawn to them...their ideas, their perspective on life...their friends...

They make me laugh...they make me happy...

I can't even imagine how much more so this will be as they continue to grow and mature.

Chloe is an utter gem...I'm not quite sure how her parents will let her go after this year...And at the same time, they have done a magnificent job in preparing her for what lies ahead...

She is genuine, kind, funny, sweet...I can't even find enough words to describe the essence of this sincere young woman that I was privileged to "hang out" with for just a few short hours! 

I'm constantly in awe of the young adults that I meet...the way they carry themselves and interact with others...not pretentious, but confident while exuding humility at the same time...

She's pretty cool!

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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