FAMILY SESSION: clearly loved

I wonder if every mom goes through the thoughts of wondering what other people think of her kids.
I mean, on one hand, we don't care because, "hello, our kids are THE BEST above all the rest!!! Because, well...I'm their mother!!"
On the other hand, we truly want others to see the "awesome-ness" of our children...

They are our hearts and we've poured everything into them...we want others recognize that potential, to appreciate all that they have become and are becoming...because WE know the effort that has been put forth...we know the discipline and the many successes and failures...all the "things" that have brought them to this juncture in life...

I met Kara awhile back and for some reason, never put the connection together...
And so, I spent a couple hours with her & her eldest son for senior pictures...and already, he's off to college and in a military program...
She wanted to grab some family pictures before that ginger hair was buzzed...

This time, I got to spend some time with ALL her kids, and her hubby too...

I can't believe it took us until her 2nd son's senior pictures a couple weeks later to put two and two together...that we both went to Cedarville and that I knew her brother! (but that's a whole other story)

I love the dynamics between her children...they are all so different (as so many are..) I think it just continues to amaze me, even in my own family that all these humans came from the same parents and yet they all turned out so completely unique!

I knew of her eldest's more reserved nature...I appreciate his steadfastness...
I got to experience first hand, her 2nd born's humor and ability to lighten the atmosphere...I truly value that personable disposition that makes him likable by all!
And her daughter...the one adored and probably tortured by her older brothers...but, knowing full well, all the while, that those two guys will always have her back...her smile is contagious and her heart wanting to love!

I love this family, I loved my time with them...

As a side note...I posted this for her once I delivered her gallery because THIS is what I love about family sessions...being able to create a whole "story" of the memory! 

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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