6 Things to Remember about your Senior Session

1. MINDSET: Your mindset is twofold!  First off...relax and have FUN!  We're showcasing the real YOU...we're not in a modeling contest or competition...this is about letting your personality, smile, heart shine through!  Secondly, this is about mom & dad...they WANT to do this for you, to spend these couple of hours reminiscing and seeing YOU sparkle!  They realize that you've worked hard and they also realize that after this last year of high school, things are changing...and as excited as they are, this is also the beginning of the slow goodbye...

2. CLOTHING: You have LOTS of options here, but be sure to pick at least one outfit that is classic.  You can be stylish and fashionable and really let your personality show! Many choose to use varisty jackets, sports equipment and uniforms too...

3. COMPLEXION/MAKE UP: I don't wear a lot of make up...I never have...however, I know that with photography, when you take a 3D/real life object and "flatten" it to a print, it often helps give dimension to facial features if you have some challenge areas..but all in all, I attempt to work a little magic in photoshop to help with those things as please don't stress...your EYES and smile are what tell the true "story" of your heart! 

4. HAIR: I wouldn't advise getting a hair cut right before a photo session, unless you are confident that it's going to turn out exactly like you normally have it...this is where it is imperative to have Mom and/or best friend along for the ride...they can help with knowing how your hair typically looks and what YOU like best! You are always welcome to bring combs, clips, hair spray...whatever is typical and helpful for you!

5. ARRIVAL: It's helpful to arrive a little early or right on time to your Session time...this way, you don't lose camera time...We spend the first few minutes looking through your outfits and making a plan with regards to wardrobe & location changes.  We want to utilize every second of our time together!

6. WEATHER: Don't worry about overcast days or clouds...those are actually a BONUS because with that type of lighting we don't have to look for shade or worry about squinting eyes...we can shoot anywhere...At the same time, sunshine is gorgeous too & can produce a completely different look to your backgrounds...All in all, though, the locations, the light...these are things that are in the background...we're here to showcase YOU, not the landscape or sun through the trees.  However, if it's raining, then we'll have to reschedule...but try not to stress.  I know that your schedule is as busy as mine, and I try to be as flexible as possible to make sure you get your time in! 

After reading all that, I want to introduce you to HANNAH!!!

This girl was amazing to work with...she shared her ideas and was willing to join in some fun...The more we talked and walked, the more I discovered about her personality...

She's indepedent and an old soul...
I love her passion and drive...

Not to mention, she's beautiful...I mean, just stunning...without even trying!!! 

She was so busy in the fall, we needed to get these pictures taken care of before graduation in the we were counting down the days for nice weather to actually arrive in Ohio...and when it happened, we were ready! 

I love the unique-ness of her session...
but moreso, I am inspired by the uniqueness of HANNAH!!!

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