HALLIE: Senior Photo Session
The clouds were rolling in and the rain drops started to fall just as Hallie and he rmom approached the high school stadium to meet me.
This had been the "typical" circumstance for me with senior sessions up to that point, so I wasn't overly worried...We live in Ohio, so weather changes on a dime...
However, I know that Senior pictures are BIG deal for most people, and in an ideal world, who really wants rain?
Hallie wasn't worried at all...
I actually did a double take when I first caught a glimpse of her, as she reminded me so much of my own daughter...
The deep, chocolate, brown eyes that you can get lost in...the soft, dark hair that is every girls' envy...but, it was her thoughtful and insightful soul that resonated with me the most...
I don't want to start a comparison with all Senior girls...everyone is created uniquely and wired differently...it wouldn't be a very fun world to live in, if we were all the same...however, there are definitely special temperaments and personalities that people tend to be most attracted to...
Hallie has one of those personalities...
She did not seem overly bubbly or an extreme extrovert...personalities that you might stereotype into cheerleading, for example...
no...she has a different type of "calm" about her...
Her smile and simple offers of friendship are what might draw people in...
but, it's her quiet confidence and compassionate soul that keeps them there...
She's warm and friendly and kind...
I've been so privileged to meet the most amazing Seniors this year...and beautiful Hallie gave me yet another glimpse into the future...of what to expect for my own daughters in just a few short years...
Congrats Hallie...You are going to be amazing!!!