So much energy
I think you will appreciate the energy on which this little guy runs...
I will be the first to admit this (although I probably should feel embarrassed by it), but, I'm a rather needy person...and by needy, I mean that I need people...
I not only get energized by people, but somehow...someway, other people just feed into my soul...
I know this sounds rather odd...I don't mean it to...I just know that it's the way I'm wired...
I love the outlet that photography affords me because I have the opportunity not only to have an avenue to express my creativity, but I get to invest in other people...I get to help show them how beautiful and energetic and alive they are...
being able to provide that for someone else may seem like an expenditure of one's self...because, I'll tell you...running after these sweet bundles of enthusiasm can be wearing (and not only on my shoes)...however, we all know that the things you strive the hardest for, are the same things that give you the biggest satisfaction and reward.
This little guy made me smile...and not just with my lips...he's got a happiness and fervor that bubbles up from deep down...spending time with them was exhilarating and FUN...
I hope I am fortunate enough to see them again this year, because their LIFE and ENERGY is just the kind of thing that my heart loves!