SoKava and Family :)
I'm always drawn to people that have an eye for beauty...that can see a beautiful painting before it's even been painted...
it's an incredible ability to see what's not there yet...and I am in awe of that...
Heidi has this talent...she makes beautiful jewelry out of rods of glass...
but, it's more than that...
so much more...
God has brought so many unique families into my life this fall...and each time, I glean a little bit more...I see that much more about what life is really all about...
We gripe about the weather, we complain about inconveniences...I get frustrated that my daughter can't seem to remember her lunchbox on any given day...
I know, I know...we all get "comfortable" in the life we lead...and as long as things seem to be sailing along just fine, we're okay...but the minute that boat starts rocking, we (or more specifically, I) start to figure a way to make it stop...
I've met some families this year that it would appear from the outside, looking in, that their boat is in a perpetual state of rocking...if I may be so blunt...their "normal" isn't the same as my "normal"...
And YET...
I see in them, contentedness, patience, joy...a complete satisfaction in just where they are in the journey...
They aren't trying to jump fact, they are just riding the waves and laughing at the wind in their faces...
I'm not saying that it's a piece of cake by any means...but, I truly believe that they've discovered something that many of us have difficulty finding...and it's that revelation that makes life worth living to the every moment that you are given...
Heidi...I love being with your family...they are all unique and beautiful in their own way! Thank you for sharing time with me!!! Check out her beautiful jewelry making HERE