KALIN: Senior pics
She's the oldest sister (out of 3 girls)
She's the brunette (next to 2 blondies)
People tell her that she looks like her mom
She's natural, casual...herself!
We spent the early evening walking around her hometown area looking for fun spots that would bring out her personality...
it was easy...
Did I mention that she's just natural? No pretenses, no fussing...just BEing...
I'm been so incredibly fortunate to meet Seniors this year that carry a quiet confidence...they are embarking on this entirely new adventure in life...coming away from the security of home and journeying into a new world...and with all that excitement, does come an element of anxiousness...
She takes this as it comes...
It's not that worries never plague her...but, I can see that she processes things slowly and deliberately...and she walks with grace and dignity...
I only spend about 2 hours with Seniors...but in that time I get to hear about future plans, about fun times during the school year...about what makes them laugh...what makes them excited...
Kalin is beautiful...inside and out...
she just IS
I know that you'll see it shining through in her pictures...
Had to include this last one...all 3 sisters together...such love!