I started thinking about this post in my head as I left the park from spending time with this family...
I get to meet with LOTS of family every year...sometimes they are people that I've never been privileged to meet before...sometimes they are returning families from years before...sometimes they are friends from what feels like a lifetime ago...
Kara and her family fit into the latter category...
I let my thoughts glide back to those yester years...remembering our trampling through the dorm hallways during our college years...I even remember her talking on the phone to her "then" boyfriend, El, the big ole basketball star of our school's team! I admired her then...
We had Elem. Ed. classes together and I saw her heart as she sought out inner city kids...how she was always "real", in a "whatcha see is whatcha get" sort of way...and my respect for her grew even more...
Fast forward 15 years and we "catch up" once again...and I discover, yet again, how incredibly amazing this woman is:) It's not just her either...Her husband, who I watched from afar back then (did I mention he was a big basketball star???) I get to watch up close...and I see as he reads her, knows her, and LOVES her...I can tell that he leads this family and cherishes every moment...I watch Kara interact with her only daughter...I see the respect that she's instilled in her children...I listen and see how these siblings have been taught and how they genuinely care about each other...
That doesn't happen by chance...El and Kara have built a family on a strong foundation...it's inspiring to see...
I know that may seem silly..."how can you see ALL THAT in one little hour of a photo shoot ???" All I can say, is that when people are REAL...and they have a deep seeded confidence in who they were made to be...and they, in turn, diligently try to bolster that in their family...it's evident...it just is:)
I literally just have the most awesome "job" ever!!!
I hope you will enjoy just a few pics of this beautiful family!!!
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family sessions
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