Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezey:)
My daughter says this ALL THE TIME...
It never fails to crack me up...
It's usually when I've asked her to do something that her older sisters would normally do...like, "Honey, could you help me put the soap in the washing machine?" or "Lovie, I need you to try to buckle yourself up in the car."
It's not only something that makes me giggle, but it gives me that sense of "relief"...I don't know quite how to explain it...almost like, she's on board, she gets it, I get it...we're going to get the job done without a glitch!
I will be honest...even though I've been doing this photography thing for awhile, I STILL get butterflies in my stomach EVERY time I have a photo shoot...perhaps it's the people pleaser in me...maybe it's the incredible honor I feel that someone chose ME to capture memories for them...whatever it is, I approach a session with excitement and a little bit of "oh my goodness Colleen...do NOT screw this up!!!"
Am I being too vulnerable here? I'm being honest because I'm just a person like everyone else...and it is my JOY to meet new people each season...and since my photo sessions are about an experience and not just getting a cheesey grin, I figure it's best to just be myself...
so there you have it...that's my "normal" when it comes to a photo session...
However, it took about "point 2 seconds" after meeting this family to recognize that THIS was just going to be "easy peasy lemon squeezey"...I found them around the park area just having fun and being themselves...
What better way to start a session right? And it just got better from there...The boys were hilarious...Dad was easy goin' and up for anything...Mom is absolutely and utterly adored by ALL her boys...I was along for the ride:)
And I can't tell you how thankful I am that I got to be there...I hope you enjoy the moments...