Holiday Card Photo Shoot
It inevidably happens that I start out doing one thing and it leads to another thing and another thing and anothing thing...
It all started as a "get a good shot for our christmas card"...which turned into...well, you'll see in a just a sec!
Amy and Mike are a part of our Life Group at church. My husband and Amy work at the same company and had known each other well before they started coming to our place of worship.
I think the thing that struck me the very first time that I spent time with both of them together, is just how much Mike loves Amy. I don't know how else to explain it...they are fun together, they laugh, they tease, they enjoy each other's company...and then you notice how he looks at her, or just his tone of voice in how he responds to just makes you feel all happy inside to be around them.
It was beautiful today...unbelievably so, which is nice because yesterday it felt like the first week of December! The colors are gorgeous, the air was crisp and these two look great! So, here are just a few pictures from today:
Great pics!