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Senior Sessions
Alright, so I'm going to wax a bit nostalgic here for a second...
I know Max won't mind, because he's pretty chill and a man of few words...and knowing him as I do, I have a feeling, he won't mind one bit, if I do a little bit of talking...
I appreciate so many things about this young man...and I think some of it goes back to my own high school experiences...and it makes me value his presence in our lives all the more...
Back in the day (lots and lots of days back), when I was in High School, my best friends happened to be guys...
they each had girlfriends,
and I was little sister...
Two guys from school (Dan & Mike) and two from church (Larry & Jason) were my brothers and my best friends...
I don't know why God gave them the patience to deal with my crazy, my worry, my endless questioning, my worry, driving me everywhere (because I refused to get my license until 2nd semester of my Senior year), did I mention my worry???
These guys had an impact in my life because there wasn't a crazy pressure of anything other than sibling rivalry and friendship...we talked and fought, we hung out and studied through calculus tests and they dragged me through Physics...
We each dealt with our own burdens (a father dying, divorce, abandonment...and the reality of just life)...and having those friends, in that time, meant the world...
There is a level of vulnerability, REALness, comradery, and loyalty that happens with friends at any time...and that measure of "sibling" tied in, tends to make the bond stronger.
I will forever be grateful for Dan, Mike, Larry & Jason...they are a part of my "STORY"...chapters dedicated to their humor, their frankness, their strength, and especially their friendships...
So, why do I mention all this in a blog post about Max?
Well...history has a way of repeating itself...and I find my own daughter being drawn to having brothers...those she can trust without expectation, but with loyalty and friendship...guys that love Jesus and even as young adults, have as unfathomable wisdom into the "family of God" so that they take my daughter under wing, into their circle of friendship...and they become part of HER story now...
And I'm so, so thankful for Max (and another gentleman that I'll mention in the next post)...
He is honest and kind...always sporting a smile...willing to serve, gracious-giving and a true friend!
Congrats Max on a fantastic Senior Year...I'm soooo glad to know you!