I'm not sure where to begin with this one...

ohhhhh Clayton...

If I had a son...I'm pretty confident I'd want him to be just like this guy...

I don't say that lightly...

Clayton doesn't claim to be perfect, nor actually try to be anything that he's not...

I appreciate his honesty, his kindness, his confidence...and even his stubbornness (insert eye roll)

He's a hard worker, with a servant's heart...he's strong and reliable...he's loyal and pretty smart too...

and not just with "knowledge"...he's got a deeper wisdom that comes from someONE else and that makes him the type of person that you can trust and rely on...

I'm so glad to know you are not only a brother and best friend to my own daughter, but you are pretty amazing in your own right and I'm proud and grateful that you are part of our "family" too! 

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