She's a little bit "girl next door"
a tad bit Fierce
a splash of free spirit
a sprinkle of romantic
a whole lotta kindess...

and a plethora of other adjectives that make up a unique and passionate personality!

Maddie isn't letting the moments just slip by...she' taking advantage of every blessing that gets placed in her path...

I'm sure that doesn't mean that things are always easy, or that it even comes naturally sometimes...

but, it's evident that she's got an inner confidence that allows her to take risks, knowing that, in the end, it's all okay...

I loved her passion and laughter...her smile and ardent love for life!

I'm sure you'll see the mosaic of her beauty in the images below!!!

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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