So, I've never been to North Market
I'm going to be very vulnerable here...
many of you are going to roll your eyes at me...
some of you will probably laugh...
it's okay, I can take it...
kind of...
it's a "thing" about myself that I don't really like...
and I know that when forced into a situation, I WILL rise to the occasion...
but most of the time, if I can somehow AVOID the occasion, I'll just try to do that instead...
Now, let me explain...
I grew up in a tiny little suburb outside of Detroit...
It was the same city in which my parents grew up...I attended the same high school, (and had some of the same teachers I might add) as my parents...and it was actually the same high school my grandfather attended as well.
It was home.
It was safe.
The town was small and I could ride my bike to my grandmother's house about 5 miles away. Everyone knew everyone else and we went to Jim's Butcher Shop every Sunday after church to pick up stuff for lunch. It wasn't the routine, as much as the familiarity...the KNOWN...the being known...the less "busy" life...
It's not that I'm not adventurous...
oh no, by golly, I got myself onto a plane and flew across the globe to Australia while in college. I traveled, IN A VAN, with COLLEGE STUDENTS across the country to Washington State...I stayed in homes of people I had never met...I ate food I've never been prepared before...
I've got some adventure in not doubt this...
for some unbelievably stupid reason, I have this phobia fear about driving in a big city...
and for me, a "big city" definition is basically anything outside of my normal area surroundings...where there are one way streets and lots of signs and big buildings and parking garages and places you get can tickets because you parked in the wrong spot...
and so...
if I can avoid driving to downtown Columbus...'s so sad...I know...
I ADORE the Book Loft and German Village...I love Goodale Park and the bridges...there are a gazillion things to see and the PHOTO TAKING OPPORTUNITIES...don't even get me started...
but, if it has to be ME behind the wheel of the car...
ummmm, well...I'm opting for my own park down the street or tried & true Target...
I'm pathetic...I KNOW THIS...
I have NO PROBLEM riding in the car with other people driving me downtown, but for's like a panic attack and I white knuckle my way to whatever location I am headed...
It's for this reason, that when hubby had the opportunity to spend some time with us recently (he's been traveling quite a bit lately) I mentioned that it'd be fun to go downtown...
I get to explore...BUT I DON'T HAVE TO DRIVE!!!
And so...during spring break, our family found ourselves exploring a bit in the downtown area...
We went to North Market and I had NEVER BEEN THERE BEFORE...
Oh my lands, it was wonderful!!!
We explored, we ate, we were goofy and then we got lost in the Book Loft until we realized that we better get home to Pippa!!!
I know it's one step at a and road signs make me nervous and I need to learn to push through it...BREATHE, I tell myself...
because seriously...after this past adventure, it's just soooo worth it, don't you think???
What is YOUR favorite spot downtown that I should get motivated to see???