FAMILY SESSION: bear boots

She showed up in bear boots...

as in, furry, big, brown bear paw boots...

she was tentative at first...

she was only a baby the last time we met up...and she's done some growing since then...

She knows her ABCs and is a cuddler!

She adores her older siblings and followed their lead when it came to "posing" for a few individual pictures...

All three of these kiddos are pretty awesome...and it's a joy for me have the opportunity to watch how they change over the years...

I think it takes me back remember when my girls were this age...when I could carry them in my arms or ride on our shoulders...

with my eldest nearly towering over me now, those days have long since passed...

I know that this family cherishes all the squeezing and cuddling...all the swinging in the air and bear hugs...even if it means big, furry bear boots in the pictures too...

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