Happy 4th of July

This day in 1776 marked this country's Declaration of Independence!

Can you even imagine what that day must have been like...???

I love reading "historical fiction" (which my husband thinks is an oxymoron but that's another story)
I enjoy this genre of reading because I think I secretly wish there were an actual time machine that could transport me to certain dates/locations in history...

I want to know the personalities of these people...
the ones that were willing to sacrifice everything to come to a new land...to start without the comforts of home...the ones that suffered through harsh weather & disease, without the aid of medicines & all the technology we have today...

I wonder at their hope, their perseverance, their stead-fastness...
I long to see that character, honor and integrity at it's most raw & authentic beginnings...

I think this family models lots of those same character qualities and they even matched the holiday!!!

I couldn't have asked for a timely post!

You may recognize some of these family members as they have been with me since my own humble beginnings...Her brother has nearly traveled the world with his line of work and we were finagling our schedules so that I would be in town at the same time...

We were able to meet up with 1 day to spare...

I love their commitment to one another and the love they so easily share with nieces, nephews, cousins, grandkids...

THIS is part of the reason we celebrate today...

for our freedom, for our liberties & rights to create homes, to build each other up, to model to our children who will in turn, pass down the legacy of family...

Happy 4th to you!!

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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